Navigating Deadlines
Ensure you are prepared to submit applications with these tips!
Do not wait until the very last minute to submit!
Anything is possible- in the event of a technological failure, illness, or any other circumstance, it is best to apply early. I always recommend submitting applications about 3-4 days before the deadline.
Proofread your essays & supplemental essays!
Read them out loud- more than once. It can be difficult for the author to detect tense changes or poorly worded sentences. Ask a family member to listen to the essays as you read. Make sure your voice is clear while not sounding like a thesaurus!
Review the PDF of each school before submission!
Do not miss this step. I discovered many errors during the application preview, from incorrect admission terms to the wrong major to essays with bold or unnecessary spacing. This is the time to ensure accuracy!
Log in to the Portals.
About 24-48 hours after you submit your applications, you should receive information to log in to the school’s portal. Do not ignore this step! Review to make sure that no documentation is missing.
Check on SSAR/SRAR forms.
Approximately 30 schools require SSAR/SRAR completion. Students must submit their applications before they can link their SSAR/SRAR. While some colleges will accept these forms after the application, others expect submission by the deadline. *in addition to the SSAR/SRAR, other colleges have a different version of the self-reported transcript. (I am looking at you-UCF, and Temple, among others!)
Check in with your School Counselor!
Although you should have informed your counselor about this deadline, it is good practice to let them know you have submitted your application. Some students must formally request transcripts in Naviance or move the college status to ‘Applied’ in their Scoir account. Every school will be different, so inquire about your school’s practice.
Remember to set realistic goals and prioritize work.
You’ve got this!