Student Success
Colleges Accepted To
Adelphi University
Arcadia U
Allegheny College
American University
Appalachian State U
Arcadia U
Arizona State U
Auburn University
Baylor University
Berry College
Binghamton U
Bloomsburg U
Boston University
Bucknell University
Carnegie Melon U
Case Western U
Charleston Southern U
Clarkson University
Clemson University
Coastal Carolina U
Colgate University
College of Charleston
Colorado State U
Cornell University
De Paul University
De Sales University
Drexel University
Drew University
Duquesne University
East Carolina University
Eckerd College
Elon University
Embry-Riddle U
Emerson College
Emory University
Fairleigh Dickinson U
Florida Atlantic U
Felician College
Florida Institute of Tech
Florida State University
Fordham University
Franklin & Marshall
Furman University
George Mason U
Georgia Southern U
Georgia State University
Georgian Court U
Gettysburg University
Hampton University
High Point University
Hofstra University
Howard University
Immaculata University
Indiana University
Iowa University
James Madison University
Johns Hopkins University
Kean University
Kennesaw State U
Kutztown University
Lafayette College
Le Moyne College
Lehigh University
Lesley University
Loyola Marymount U
Louisiana State University
McGill University
Miami U of Ohio
Michigan State U
Millersville U
Misericordia University
Monmouth University
Montclair University
Mount Aloysius College
Muhelnberg University
New York University
Northeastern University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio State University
Ohio University
Pace University
Penn State U
Providence University
Purdue University
Quinnipiac University
Rhodes College
Rider University
Ringling College of Art
Rochester University
Roger Williams U
Rollins College
Rose-Hulman Institute
Rowan University
Rutgers University
Salisbury University
Sacred Heart University
Salve Regina University
San Diego State University
Scranton University
Seton Hall University
Shenandoah University
Shippensburg University
Siena College
Southern Methodist U
St. Francis College
St. John Fischer U
St. Joseph’s University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stockton University
SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Brockport
SUNY Geneseo
Syracuse University
Temple University
Texas Christian University
Thomas Jefferson U
Towson University
Trinity College
Tulane University
U of Alabama
U of California Riverside
U of California Santa Barbara
U of California Santa Cruz
U of Central Florida
U of Colorado-Boulder
U of Connecticut
U of Delaware
U of Florida
U of Hartford
U of Houston
U of Iowa
U of Kansas
U of Kentucky
U of Maryland
U of Memphis
U of Miami
U of Mississippi
U of New Hampshire
U of North Florida
U of Oklahoma
U of Oregon
U of Pittsburgh
U of Richmond
U of Rhode Island
U of Rochester
U of South Carolina
U of San Francisco
U of South Florida
U of Tampa
U of Tennessee
U of Texas- Dallas
U of Texas- Houston
U of Vermont
U of Washington- Seattle
U of Wisconsin
Ursinus College
Villanova University
Virginia Tech University
Wake Forest University
Washington U- St. Louis
Wentworth U
West Chester University
Western Carolina U
Western Washington U
Widener U