Application Timeline

The list below highlights general guidelines for college applications. Be sure to check in with your school counselor for school-specific criteria.

  • Once your college list is final, pay attention to all dates & deadlines. Early deadlines tend to be 10/15, 11/1, 11/15 & 12/1. I typically suggest applying to a school with rolling admissions FIRST!

  • Submit the application to the school.

  • Submit an SSAR/SRAR, as needed.

  • Send official score reports to any schools that require and allow 2 weeks to get there.

  • Indicate on SCOIR/Naviance/your school platform that you have applied to your school and follow up with an email to your counselor. Ensure that you are giving your counselor ample time to submit all school supporting docs (letters, school profile, transcript, etc.). I would recommend informing your counselor at the start of the school year if you will be submitting to early deadlines!

  • Check your student portal frequently for any missing information/updates.

  • Continue showing demonstrated interest by staying in contact with admissions officers and signing up for visits at your school or virtually.

  • Enjoy your year! Once applications are out, your job is done (unless you are deferred which then, we can make a plan). Keep your grades up and have fun!


Navigating Deadlines


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