Meet Tara.

Welcome Friends,

My name is Tara Niemi and I am so happy you’re here!

I founded Plan College With Me to help students and their families in the college planning process. My mission is to empower students, assist families, and create a supportive environment for my students to fulfill their personal and professional goals. I am confident that with my organization skills and knowledge of the field, I can help make this experience stress free and straightforward for your family. 

I am an Independent Educational Consultant, an associate member of IECA & co-leader of the IECA NJ Regional Group. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree from Rutgers University and a Master’s Degree in Educational Counseling from The College of New Jersey. I am based in NJ and work with students both locally and country wide.

If you are looking for guidance with the college application process, essay assistance or with academic advising, I would be happy to help work within your timeline to ensure your child is successful and happy. 

I am excited for the opportunity to work with your family!

Get started with Plan College With Me, today.